Skip Tracing in Miami

How Does Skip Tracing in Miami Work?

Any legal action can be difficult, especially when an individual that requires notification prefers to remain anonymous. Individuals involved in court cases can move away to other areas and states, as well as change their name, phone number, and other information.

In these situations, some involved in legal cases may feel like all hope is lost. It may seem like a target will never be found. However, when enlisting a professional process server like our team from Lightning Legal Couriers & Process Servers, you gain the benefits of specific techniques and methods that they perfected throughout a long career.

Process servers deploy techniques called skip tracing in Miami that involve specialized techniques to track down difficult to find targets. They engage in activities that remain similar to what a private investigator might provide in addition to serving papers.

Under some circumstances, plaintiffs in a case could try to find an individual on their own. Unfortunately, this may lead to exorbitant time and money costs, as well as potentially dangerous situations.

This is precisely why enlisting a professional, licensed process serving wielding skills in skip tracing in Miami remains so important. These individuals apply these techniques, acting on behalf of and representing their clients’ best interests at all times. 

How Skip Tracing in Miami is Performed

Knowledgeable and experienced process servers possess specialized techniques that they acquire throughout a long career in the industry. This does not mean that a new server or other individuals can simply take a class on learning to track down difficult serves.

The processes and procedures involved in skip tracing in Miami incorporate information acquisition, and even surveillance. Once they acquire a decent amount of information on a subject, they analyze and verify this to determine the target’s location potentially. In some situations, this necessitates attaining a massive amount of personal information.

This could include things like work or school schedules, in addition to analyzing patterns and routines on social media. In most scenarios, the process server will begin online, focusing on the target’s online presence.

A process server could also engage in skip tracing by contacting friends and family members that remain close to the target. This is what some process servers and investigators call social engineering. Sometimes, this could involve cold-calling anyone that may possess information on the target.

For example, a process server could depend on a variety of the following to gain useful information on the content:

  • Air travel records
  • Credit card applications
  • Credit reports
  • Courthouse records
  • Criminal background checks
  • Driver’s license information
  • Loan applications
  • Phone number databases
  • Public records
  • Utility bills and payments
  • Vehicle registration databases

These all contribute to skip tracing in Miami, helping the server formulate as comprehensive as possible a picture to assist the server with locating the target. Unfortunately, this may still not be enough to find them.

If the server cannot locate the target, the process server must express to the court that they made every possible effort. The submitted document they use is called an affidavit of due diligence.

Affidavit of Service, Due Diligence, and Incomplete Service

An affidavit of due diligence represents sworn testimony from the process server that they made every possible effort to accomplish the serve. Furthermore, a process server may also submit what they call an affidavit of service upon successful completion.

This is an important step in proving and upholding due process of the law. Anyone involved in a legal action must legally be informed of their involvement. This goes for witnesses, in addition to defendants and other parties to a case.

Without this notification, a case cannot proceed. In some instances, a judge could delay a case for a later date, even throwing it out as a result of improper service. A process server must provide proof that the server served papers on the target timely and accurately. This is where an affidavit of service comes into play.

All the activities, skip tracing in Miami, research, etc. could be lost without proper verification of the serve. After all, a defendant or other party to a case could state that a server is lying, or that they never received the papers in the first place.

Skip Tracing in MiamiInformation on Skip Tracing in Miami from Lightning Legal Couriers & Process Servers

As a licensed, professional process serving resource in South Florida, our team takes pride in acting on behalf of our clients. To learn more about skip tracing in Miami and other process serving specialties, contact Lightning Legal Couriers & Process Servers today!

  1.  “Due Diligence Affidavit | Not Found Affidavit | P.I. Sworn ….” Accessed 13 Nov. 2019.
  2.  “What Is An Affidavit of Service | NAPPS.” Accessed 13 Nov. 2019.
  3.  “DUE PROCESS OF LAW | U.S. Constitution Annotated | US ….” Accessed 13 Nov. 2019.